As part of the kł cp̓əlk̓ stim̓ initiative, ONA has been beach seining and collecting eggs and milt from adult Sockeye in the Okanagan River for rearing and release into Skaha Lake. Since 2004, ONA has stocked Skaha and Osyoyoos Lake with hatchery-reared fry and monitored their growth, survival, and impacts on the Skaha Lake food-web and effects on kokanee populations. Results so far have been very promising; the program has been a success story. Beginning in 2014, ONA has been rearing the fry in the new kł cp̓əlk̓ stim̓ Hatchery.
As part of our dedication to promoting education and awareness around Okanagan sockeye and other fish species in the region, ONA provides free school tours to classes from K-12 of the broodstock site and activities. Tours usually take place over the first two weeks of October.
The kł cp̓əlk̓ stim̓ Hatchery is a testament to the perseverance of the Syilx Okanagan People to realize their dream of restoring the n’titxw (Chief Salmon) – one of our Four Food Chiefs – to their original habitat and rightful place in our territory. This hatchery represents a critical stage of our Nation’s restoration initiative and is part of a long‐term program to restore the historical range of Sockeye in the upper Okanagan watershed, Okanagan Lake, and Skaha Lake systems, and a region of the Columbia River Basin.
Opened in 2014, our 25,000 square foot hatchery has the capacity to rear 8 million eggs. It is currently equipped to handle all fish culture aspects required for 5 million eggs from brood stock management until fry release. Sizing the facility for 8 million eggs allows for flexibility in the future, or to allow for changes in the fish culture activities. This facility is significant for the program, as it poses the least risk for the fish population, allows for maximum egg-to-fry survival, and permits monitoring of the interaction between Sockeye and Kokanee.
kł cp̓əlk̓ stim̓ Hatchery Tours are offered all year long by appointment. Tours last about an 1 hour and are hands on, with opportunity for questions.