Syilx Nation Data Governance Plan Presentations

nłk̓ʷsalqʷm: ackʷum iʔ sck̓łpaʔx̌tət

The Syilx Data Plan has been guided by the collective knowledge and wisdom of our ancestors, elders, knowledge keepers, and Nation members of today to plan and prepare for the people-to-be.

Good quality wellness data helps with community planning and monitoring of programs. ONA data team would like to invite you learn about the Nation data plan that is built on sqlxʷɬcaẃtət (our ways).

Sessions will be held in each community – more info coming soon!

Event Date:
Next Session TBC

Event Time:
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm

ʔamtus Nicholas Clark, Nation Planner, Data
