Jordan’s Principle Service Coordination

The Okanagan Nation Alliance is working to implement Jordan’s Principle by offering Enhanced Service Coordination throughout the Syilx Territory. It strives to improve access to health, social, and educational supports and services. We are here to help streamline the request process and reduce the stress of navigating complex service systems, including Jordan’s Principle applications.

Jordan’s Principle is about ensuring First Nations Children receive the services they need when they need them.


Jordan’s Principle is a Human Rights Principle and a Child-First Initiative for First Nations children from 0-18 living on or off reserve. Jordan’s Principle is about ensuring First Nations children have access to and receive the products, services and supports they need when they need them. Funding can help with a wide range of health, social, and educational needs. 

Who Can Access?

All individuals, families and communities that are members of the ONA, as well as any First Nations residing in the Okanagan Region, can reach out to the ONA Jordan’s Principle Service Coordinators (JPSC) to help them access the products, services and supports that they need. ONA JPSC will work with individuals, families, and communities to identify parties eligible to send formal requests to Jordan’s Principle.

What Is Covered?

Funding can help with a wide range of health, social, and educational needs, including the unique needs that First Nations, Two-Spirit and LGBTQQIA children and youth, and those with disabilities may have. Some examples of what has been funded under Jordan’s Principle include:

How To Apply

When a family member or service provider calls or emails the JPSC Intake, they will be asked to complete an intake by providing demographic information (name, date of birth, address, email, phone, Status number/eligibility criteria).

  • Child’s name, date of birth, address and Indian Status Card number (if registered)
  • Parent/guardian name and contact information
  • Reason for request
    • What is your child’s unmet need?
  • Description of the requested product and services
    • You can list more than one: for instance, you may require training as well as travel to the training.
    • Identify the duration – how long do you require the service or product? Is it a one-time event/product? Will the product need to be replaced at some point?
  • History of the request
    • Has this been previously submitted to another program or service, for instance Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) or another private insurance company? What was the outcome? Is the request partially covered?
  • Supporting documents from licensed/registered educational, social, or health professionals
    • Did your doctor or another professional prescribe or refer this for your child? Some examples could be massage or speech therapy, or even ergonomic equipment.
    • Supporting document from a teacher, or others. For example, a teacher may recommend a special type of electronic device that will assist in your child’s learning.
  • Consent form (to be obtained from the JPSC)
Advantages of Accessing Jordan’s Principle Service Coordination With The ONA
  • Reduce stress of navigating service systems with Jordan’s Principle applications
  • Link families to provincial and federal resources
  • Work Collaboratively with service providers
  • Advocate for the children, their families and communities
  • Support the family in telling their story
  • Provide assistance to families with any appeal processes

For more information, please contact:

T: 1-250-707-0095 ext 247

Additional Resources

Jordan’s Principle Video

Jordan River Anderson, The Messenger // TVO Doc