Our Programs and Services

Mission statement

Reclaiming and restoring Syilx way of being and knowing (worldview) through development of holistic Wellness programs and services grounded in a Syilx – centered framework.

The ONA Wellness Department consists of the following programs:

  • Aboriginal Child & Youth Mental Health
  • Family Decision Making
  • Health Care Advocate
  • Kwu Xast
  • Okanagan Nation Response Team
  • RNative Voice
  • Syilx Early Years
  • Syilx Indian Residential School

Based on your needs we will provide referrals to the appropriate community services such as: Self-help Groups, Aboriginal Community Legal Workers, Legal Aid, Employment Services, Health Services, Mental Health and Addictions, Victims Assistance, Aboriginal Patient Navigators, local Friendship Centres and Métis Community Services.

The workers can arrange visits to homes, hospitals, communities and correctional facilities or wherever you’re most comfortable.

Services are Free
The Okanagan Nation Alliance (ONA) Wellness Programs are free services with the majority of funding from: the Interior Health Authority; Ministry of Children and Family Development and First Nations Health Authority.

Hours of Operation
Our office is open Monday through Friday,
8:30am to 4:30pm
Appointments are made on an individual basis depending on the schedules of you and your worker(s).

How do you get into a service or program?
You may be referred by your local band office and or urban centre.
You can access our service by phoning:
250 707-0095
Toll free: 1 866 662 9609

Our main office address is:
# 101 – 3535 Old Okanagan Hwy
Westbank BC, V4T 3L7