
Mission Statement: Reclaiming and restoring Syilx ways of being and knowing (world view) through the development of holistic wellness programs and services grounded in a Syilx-centered framework.

For Syilx Okanagan People, Wellness is holistic and interconnected. Under the mandate of the Chiefs’ Executive Council (CEC) and the guidance of the ONA Wellness Committee, the ONA continues to work towards and support the safety, health and well-being of our children, families, communities and land.

The ONA Wellness Department has three main clusters:


Under these three clusters, the ONA is currently providing, or is in the process of developing, a number of innovative Wellness programs and initiatives for the Nation. These various programs and services operate to achieve the mission statement expressed above.

Funding for the department comes from a variety of sources, such as the First Nations Health Authority (FNHA), Interior Health Authority (IHA), the Ministry for Children and Family Development (MCFD) and Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) and other sources.

Wellness Committee

Established by the Chief’s Executive Council (CEC), the Wellness Committee advocates for collective, equitable and quality Wellness services for our community members. The ONA Wellness Committee consists of representatives from each of the seven member Bands, whose members bring to the table many years of experience and a local understanding of Wellness issues. In this advisory role, the Wellness Committee collectively responds to and influences changes in health and social policy at the National, Regional, Provincial and Federal Level. The Wellness Committee also provides guidance for all operations of the ONA’s Wellness Department.

Wellness Department

The Wellness team works to provide quality services in a holistic integrated manner to our member communities including direct service, capacity building, training opportunities and resource development and sharing. ONA Wellness continues to work toward implementing the Chief’s Executive Council (CEC) Business Plan priorities:

• To improve the health, well-being, safety and quality of life of Syilx Okanagan Nation community members
• Implement Syilx Okanagan law into governance and operations planning, and
• Preservation of Syilx Okanagan laws, culture, language and education