As part of the kł cp̓əlk̓ stim̓ initiative, ONA has been beach seining and collecting eggs and milt from adult Sockeye in the Okanagan River for rearing and release into Skaha Lake. Since 2004, ONA has stocked Skaha and Osyoyoos Lake with hatchery-reared fry and monitored their growth, survival, and impacts on the Skaha Lake food-web and effects on kokanee populations. Results so far have been very promising; the program has been a success story. As of 2014, ONA has been rearing the fry in the new kł cp̓əlk̓ stim̓ Hatchery.
- Collect eggs and milt from 900 – 4000 ripe female and male Sockeye salmon (1-5 million eggs)
- Follow best practices to maximize egg survival
- Collect ovarian fluid and kidney tissue for disease testing and screening
- Biosample 400 adults for fork length, sex, DNA, and hatchery marks
ONA works in partnership with regulating agencies (Federal and Provincial) and they are aware of all our projects. ONA is a founding member of the Canadian Okanagan Basin Technical Working Group (COBTWG), which provides technical and management recommendations for the Reintroduction Program. The Syilx Okanagan Nation has never signed treaties, nor relinquished our right to harvest and manage the fishery. Ultimately, ONA is working to study, manage, and rehabilitate the native fish community and aquatic resource as whole.