RNative Voice


R’Native Voice is a youth mental health program for ages 12-18 and is a prevention program to reduce drug use, incidence of suicide, depression and community violence through learning about Syilx identity and belonging, life skills and culture and language.

The R’Native Voice Coordinator works with the Band Youth Worker to plan and coordinate this program which is delivered once per year. R’Native Voice continues to work with school districts to provide school credits for participants.

The program is delivered in the seven member communities and three urban centers over 8-12 weeks, depending on community needs. In each community, a Community Liaison Worker is assigned to assist in delivery of program. The curriculum is structured in a way that encourages each group to invite local resource people such as Elders, Storytellers, Mentors and other community teachers to participate and share their knowledge. The curriculum has been revised utilizing captikwl and nsyilxcәn in all components.

R’Native Voice Curriculum

  1. Orientation
  2. Write It On Your Heart: ɋʹayantx l aspuɁɋʹus
  3. Our Roots Our Beliefs Part 1: iɁ skcxˇ wiplaɁtət
  4. Our Roots Our Beliefs Part 2: iɁ skcxˇ wiplaɁtət
  5. Depression: spaɁa
  6. Grief: qəlspuɁus
  7. Loving Yourself: xˇ ast spuɁus
  8. Physical Health: kwu͜ xiɁtmíst (we run)
  9. Drugs & Alcohol: nkncintn uł nxˇ wus (poison and alcohol)
  10. Sexual Health: iɁ scxwəl xˇ wáltət (our health or our life)
  11. Community Project: iɁ snqsilxwtət
  12. Self Esteem: npútaɁtn (respect)
  13. Bullying: nxilsm (respect one’s feelings)
  14. Social Justice & Current Issues: scmʹ aɁmʹ áy (news)
  15. Wrap Up: paƛmcín (end of a story)

Event Date:

To access the R’Native Voice Program you can contact the R’Native Voice Coordinator: rnv.1@syilx.org or your Band Youth Worker in your community.