Virtual Information Session: Support Workers Navigating Recovery


Join us for a virtual session on accessing substance use treatment

The session aims to equip frontline workers, team leads, and managers with the knowledge and resources to help Syilx Nation members access residential or bed-based treatment for substance use. This includes providing guidance on navigating these systems, gathering community feedback on the barriers faced, and collectively brainstorming ways to reduce those barriers.

Who should attend?

  • frontline workers who support individuals dealing with substance use
  • healthcare providers
  • others that assist Syilx Nation members in accessing residential and bed-based services

To sign up, please email:

David Croteau

Nation Planner


January 27, (1)
January 27, (2)

Event Date:
January 27, 2025

Event Time:
1:00 pm - 4:30 pm

Event Location: