YES Specialized Training

December 20th, 2023

iʔ scx̌asəsmil̕tət

The YES Program is dedicated to assisting the Syilx Nation in addressing family violence and sexual assault. As part of the Specialized Training within the YES Program, we offer a comprehensive full-day training session aimed at enhancing the capacity to effectively respond to various forms of violence.

Open to Syilx Nation Members, Community Members, and Frontline Band Staff. 


kʷu əc ̕ ulluʔs: Frontline Wellness

February 17th, 2023

Gathering and Supporting Frontline Workers

The YES Program offers specialized training and self-care opportunities for frontline workers of the Syilx Nation, addressing their community responsibilities in crisis response. It aims to combat vicarious trauma and compassion fatigue by providing tools for self-care and a relaxing environment for respite.

This event will feature training aimed at enhancing capacity, team-building activities, cultural healing, and an emphasis on personal wellness in a field of providing support to Syilx Nation members in crisis.

Open to Frontline Health & Wellness Staff in Syilx Nation Communities | Space are limited

YES Frontline Wellness Poster 2025

Syilx Nation Data Governance Plan Presentations

February 2nd, 2023

nłk̓ʷsalqʷm: ackʷum iʔ sck̓łpaʔx̌tət

The Syilx Data Plan has been guided by the collective knowledge and wisdom of our ancestors, elders, knowledge keepers, and Nation members of today to plan and prepare for the people-to-be.

Good quality wellness data helps with community planning and monitoring of programs. ONA data team would like to invite you learn about the Nation data plan that is built on sqlxʷɬcaẃtət (our ways).

Sessions will be held in each community – more info coming soon!

River Restoration Workshop

July 12th, 2017

The Okanagan Nation Alliance in collaboration with many project partners have been successfully restoring spawning and rearing habitat for salmon in the Okanagan Basin for over 20 years. Traditional Ecological Knowledge, best management practices, measured stream geometry and natural habitat features have guided these restoration works. This workshop will teach the math behind the stream analysis and hydraulics that directed the restoration designs and describe the planning, construction, monitoring methods and results.

 Workshop outline:

  • Teach the calculations behind the stream analysis, river hydraulics and pool-riffle design
  • Field visits to several habitat restoration projects
  • Show the process of implementing a river restoration project from beginning-to-end (planning, designs, construction, and adaptive management)
  • Explain the projects monitoring methods and results
  • Discussion and poster sessions: hydraulic modelling, fish habitat diversity, spawning beds, riffles, fish passage at barriers, floodplain reconnection, wetland restoration

Course targeted to but not limited to:

  • Those designing or reviewing river instream works, particularly for salmon habitat
  • Environmental scientists and project managers (Biologists, Engineers, Geomorphologists, Hydrologists and Fisheries Technicians)
  • Community members and general public

Course details:

  • Date: April 8-10, 2025
  • Location: Penticton BC
  • Registration and fees: $1000
  • Payment: Email transfers (EMT), Cheque, or Invoice for larger groups. Seats will be reserved once payment is received.
  • IMPORTANT: Fee must be paid by March 18, 2025
    * Please note that any cancellation done less than 60 days before event will result in only 50% refunds returned
April 2025 River Restoration Workshop

Early Years Gathering

November 18th, 2016

iʔ scəcmálaʔtet

The Early Years Gathering provides opportunity for Aboriginal Early Childhood professionals to engage in a manner that can contribute to capacity building and resource development through a process that draws on the wisdom and experience of the attending staff, managers and parents. This annual two-day training fulfills the Professional Development requirements of frontline Early Childhood Development staff in a manner that is grounded in Syilx values and practices.

A Time of Sharing and Caring.

The Early Years Program provides support for Early Years centres, daycares, workers, and children and families through cultural resources, trainings, programs and workshops.


Delta Hotel Grand Okanagan Resort

1310 Water St, Kelowna, BC

Book Reimbursable Accommodations Here

* NOTE: You must submit receipt to ONA no later than Thursday April 3rd for reimbursement after the event.  You may submit receipts on-site during the event as well.  If you are unable to attend event cancellation notice must be done 48 hours prior to the event.  No shows will be charged a room, which ONA will not cover.

Event Information

  • This event is by invite only
  • Travel subsidies and accommodation reimbursement available
  • Breakfast and Lunch included


  • Hands-on workshop for BrainDance in Early Childhood Development
  • Working in ECE from a Trauma Informed Space
  • Updates on Ministry Regulations and Licensing
Early Years Gathering 2025 (3)

About BrainDance

Developed by Creative Dance Center founder, renowned dance educator, and author Anne Green Gilbert, the BrainDance sequences through eight fundamental movement patterns of early human development. We begin moving through these patterns in infancy and continue refining them throughout childhood. Healthy development depends on a strong foundation built by a child’s experiences with movement, touch, and responsive relationships. Using rhymes, rhythmic chants, simple children’s songs, and music, the BrainDance is a playful, multi-sensory, and accessible way to nurture a child’s exploration of self-awareness.

The eight patterns of the BrainDance are: Breath, Tactile, Core-Distal, Head-Tail, Upper-Lower, Body-Side, Cross Lateral, and Vestibular.

The BrainDance can be done in any setting and can be tailored to a variety of ages, populations, and for all abilities and disabilities. We will practice seated and standing variations of the BrainDance using our voices and music as accompaniment. Modeling joyful, rhythmic, and embodied movement engages our students and supports the deep body-brain connections they are building during these early years.

Join us and learn how this unique and flexible movement tool can be used to support the physical, cognitive, perceptual, and social-emotional development of the children you care for!

About Terry Goetz, Creative Dance Center Director and Facilitator for BrainDance in Early Childhood

Terry Goetz (she/her) is Director of the Creative Dance Center in Seattle, Washington. She has been on the faculty of CDC since 2000 and began studying with CDC Founder Anne Green Gilbert in 1997. She has taught in preschools and elementary classrooms as a teaching artist, and in studios throughout the Seattle area since retiring from Pacific Northwest Ballet where she danced from 1988-1995. Prior to performing with PNB, she was a member of Pittsburgh Ballet Theater from 1986-1988.

Since 2005 Terry has shared BrainDance and Brain-Compatible Dance Education workshops locally, nationally, and internationally, for dance teachers, early childhood specialists, educators, teaching artists, and community groups.