Project Overview:
Use and occupancy mapping (UOM) demonstrates the direct sustenance of the Syilx and their uses of lands and resources within their territory. The UOM uses an interview with a questionnaire and a map to gather information and data relating to a number of use and occupancy categories. The information is used to promote high quality planning and management of resources on the territory, and to support Syilx title, rights, jurisdiction and interests.
Project Goals:
The goal of the UOM is to map cultural uses of an area in order to quantify and translate cultural uses of the land into accepted Western communication tools (i.e. maps and data). The results of the study are intended to provide communities with information that may be relevant to land use planning in their territory. In a broader context, use and occupancy studies support the Okanagan Nation to advocate and preserve Syilx culture, language, land titles and natural resources.
Project Plan:
On-going work as directed by communities for specific use and occupancy mapping projects.
Project Media: