Revelstoke Dam Generating Unit #6 (Rev6)

Project Overview:

This project pursues the construction of a new and final generator (500MW) in the last bay of the Revelstoke Dam.

History: The CEC rejected old consultation processes and is designing more dedicated and advanced processes reflecting the new Enduring Relationship. The EEC and BC Hydro established and funded the full technical review and analysis of this project coordinated by OKIB as the lead of the Project Review Committee (PRC). The PRC also includes WFN, PIB and ONA. With the EEC, they have been meeting to discuss a plan for mitigation measures for Rev6 that go beyond those required by the regular process in an attempt to accommodate for impacts from the hydro facility.



Project Progress/Status:

BC Hydro informed the ONA that they are moving back the in-service date from 2020 to allow more time for them to plan the project and ensure that proper engagement with the Syilx Okanagan Nation can occur under the evolving Enduring Relationship. A Water Use Plan (WUP) is currently being drafted and the PRC is developing a work plan.