All service recipients and contractors in ONA workplaces are requested to please refrain from in person visits to ONA offices, workplaces and worksites, and to utilize phone calls, conference calls, e-mail or any other form of electronic messaging as means of communication with the ONA, until further notice.
Travel outside of Canada is not advised. Those who do so are required to upon return, self-quarantine for a minimum of 14 days.
If you are in close proximity of others, it is advised to stand or sit two meters (six feet) apart in an attempt to contain the possibility of spread.
Please actively implement recommended prevention measures of spread by: a) Wash hands frequently for at least 20 seconds with warm soapy water b) Use alcohol based hand rubs if a sink is not available c) Do not touch your eyes, face or mouth with unwashed hands d) Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze and use a tissue. If a tissue is not available, cough or sneeze into your elbow e) Regularly clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces.
- Stay home if you are sick with any symptoms to contain spread of Covid-19.
- Self-isolate if other family/household members are self-isolating or are sick with any symptoms.
- Anyone who is concerned that they may have been exposed to, or is experiencing symptoms of Covid-19, should call: HealthLinkBC at 811 anytime.
The Public Health Agency of Canada has also set up a: Covid-19 telephone information line 1-833-784-4397.